CULT TV FLASHBACK # 75: Lost in Space: "The War of the Robots"

In one corner, we have Robby the Robot, famous cinematic automaton of the classic film, Forbidden Planet (1956).

And in the other corner, we have lovable B-9, mechanical guardian of our space family Robinson and popular hero of Lost in Space.

May the best robot win…

In very silly terms, that’s the set-up for this classic first season Lost in Space (1965-1968) episode, “The War of the Robots,” which aired originally on CBS on February 9, 1966.

Here, the stranded Robinsons (trapped on a desolate alien planet…), unexpectedly discover a quiescent “robotoid” in an overgrown grove near their homestead.

The Robinsons’ protective robot insists the alien machine (Robby…) is an “extreme danger” to the humans, in part because of Robby’s very nature: he’s a “robotoid” (unlike the Robot), and robotoids are advanced machines which can go beyond the bounds of their programming.

Robotoids have a “choice” — according to the Robot — in the way they follow (or don’t follow…) orders and instructions. The Robinsons and especially Dr. Smith (Jonathan Harris) believe their Robot is just jealous of the new machine, which — when activated by Will (Bill Mumy) — shows an affinity for repairing watches, the damaged chariot, and other devices.

Dr. Smith derides the family robot as a “clumsy has-been” and “obsolete” as Robby the Robotoid in short order becomes practically invaluable to the marooned Robinsons (save for Penny, who has mysteriously vanished from the entire episode…without it being noticed by her Mom or Dad). Soon, Robby confronts the B-9 and tells him that the Robinsons no longer need their original robot and that “in comparison” to himself, the B-9 is “very ignorant.”

Alone and abandoned, B-9 skulks away into the rocks — having lost his family — and soon Robby’s true motives emerge. He is actually the dedicated servant to an alien scientist (a kind of dog-alien that very much resembles the Anticans from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Lonely Among Us” that was produced and broadcast twenty-one years later…). The Robotoid’s mission is not to serve the Robinsons, but rather to disarm them, render them “harmless” and deliver them as experimental subjects to the aliens. “You are weak and vulnerable creatures,” Robby tells the Robinsons, “but there are others who have need of you…”

In the end, it’s a battle-to-the-death between a nearly-invincible Robby (the most famous mechanical man of the movies, pre-Star Wars…) and a vastly-under-powered Bubble-Headed Booby, the most famous mechanical man of television…

Honestly I have a weird sort of love/hate fascination with Lost in Space. I absolutely adore the optimistic 1960s futurism on display in the series, not to mention the wonderful conceit that space program technology has become the purview of the American nuclear family in the near future.

Also, I almost universally find the set designs, gadgets, and general production values of the first season highly commendable….they outstrip the original Star Trek by a rather wide margin. Thus, I’m a huge admirer of the first season’s approach: lensed in moody black-and-white (like the Twilight Zone) and dominated by this clunky (but gorgeous) “retro-tech.” Every time I see the Robinsons’ full-sized, working chariot or the incredibly-detailed interior of the Jupiter 2, I’m virtually spellbound. Those sets and vehicles appear fantastic and realistic at the same time, and seem completely functional.

I love the way the first season is shot too. In “The War of the Robots,” for instance, a fluid camera glides in menacingly towards Robby the Robot at least twice — pushing portentously towards the inscrutable juggernaut. A less efficient production might have used a zoom instead of taking the time and energy to move the camera, but you can tell that there was no expense spared in early Lost in Space, and generally, the series was well-filmed. There’s even a sense of visual ingenuity (and wit…) in the episode’s final battle between clunky metal men
All that established, I really can’t stomach the second and third seasons of Lost in Space, the color years which give “campy” entertainment (not to mention sci-fi TV…) a bad name for years and years. I’ve tried (with considerable dedication) to watch many of those later episodes, but overall they lack internal consistency, paint a silly picture of the universe, and feature no real character growth or humanity. In the second and third years of Lost in Space, “science” may as well be “magic” for all the logic or intelligence applied by the writers.

But — again — I must stress that Lost in Space’s first season, with its gorgeous photography and solid balance of characters, features some truly intriguing and (even creepy…) stories. Of course, you can’t judge those forty-year old stories by the standards of today’s science fiction. I mean, the audience that loves and admires the new Battlestar Galactica or Firefly isn’t going to find a whole lot of meat here; or a whole lot of complexity either.

That established, there’s something undeniably sweet and sort of pure about these black-and-white shows. They endure as science fiction parables about the nature of families. “The War of the Robots” is no exception to that rule. Here, the Robot feels squeezed out by his new “sibling,” Robby, and becomes jealous that, well, there’s somebody newer and more exciting in the room. The Robot begins striking out at those who love him (refusing to help Will…), becomes petulant and even self loathing (describing the fact that he has been denied or “cheated” out of human characteristics evidenced by the Robotoid.)

Let’s face it: haven’t we all felt displaced like that from time to time? By a brother or a sister? By your best friend’s ‘new’ buddy? It’s strange that a story so plainly concerning sibling rivalry involves an ostensibly “emotion-less” robot, but again, that’s the great thing about science fiction on television: it can dramatize stories in a way a regular drama can’t.

Even in this episode, however, there are matters of concern in terms of logic and consistency. Early on, Robby’s alien master reveals that he left the Robotoid on the planet many years before. Later in the story, the same alien master explains that if Robby can’t send a homing signal nsoon, they won’t be able to find him, or the planet. Plainly, something doesn’t connect between those two conversations. If the aliens left the robot on the planet, why can’t they find it again? Similarly, I enjoyed the Robot’s explanation of the subtle distinctions between robot and robotoid, but how, exactly, does a Robot from Earth (from 20th century Earth) come by this information about advanced alien robotoids?

In the end, I suppose it doesn’t really matter. “The War of the Robots” is a fable or lesson about jealousy, and every other consideration is secondary. And besides, if you grew up in the 1970s with an affection for Forbidden Planet’s Robby and the Lost in Space Robot, there’s no probably way on Earth (or in space…) you can resist an episode involving their robot-on-robot smack down…

One response to “CULT TV FLASHBACK # 75: Lost in Space: "The War of the Robots"

  1. I agree, a great episode. My understanding is that, as season 2 approached, ABC decided that it could take back CBS dominance of Wednesday nights by throwing Batman up against the Robinsons. Irwin Allen became alarmed and thus wisked away Shimon Wincelberg, who had written many episodes of Gunsmoke and the majority of the 1st LIS season in favor of writers more prone to attract younger children. There were a few episodes; particularly during seasons 3 that I thought leaned back in the direction of the first. I thought “The Condemned of Space”, “Anti-Matter Man”, “Space Destructors, “The Flaming Planet” and especially “Hunter’s Moon” were all good.

    The best episode of all in my opinion was from season 2 – “Wild Adventure” I vividly remember portions of that:: Major West: “Well then I’ll set our destination for earth.” Robot: “As I informed, Dr. Smith, Earth course is unadvisable.” “Unadvisable? Why” “At this time of year the asemith and . . . (followed by the entire family at the dinner table and the unwitting announcement that “We’re not going back to earth Will.” Smith is then outraged that they had been “listening to that mechanical garbage heap” and he is interrupted by Major West: “Its a good thing we did listen to him Smith because he told us that at this time of year the sun is between us and earth and we wouldn’t have found out until we were caught up in it’s gravitational pull.”

    But the greatest scene of all is later on after they have indeed escaped from the sun when Smith is trapped outside in his space suit; having been mesmerized by a mysterious green lady in space. Professor Robinson responds “Well I’m going to make a course change in 12 minutes” and Maureen insists that he not. “We’ve got to save Dr. Smith.” The Major then chimes in “He’s been nothing but trouble from the beginning. Why should we risk everything for him?” And June Lockhart’s response is to me the whole heart of the show: “Because he’s a human being” She then looks at her husband and asks “And you? What do you say?” John hesitates but then responds “Preparing course deviation – 2 degrees.” He and Maureen then take control of the ship while Major West prepares for a walk in space. They look questionable at him and he responds “Well . . . somebody’s got to drag him back in.”

    Add to that another second season portion from “Wreck of the Robot” when, with the robot having been stolen, John and Will have a father/son conversation worthy of “Leave it to Beaver.”

    “Will: I don’t understand. The robot has lazer circuits. Why didn’t he fight back?” “And run the risk of having everyone on this ship killed? We were all asleep. We’d have been sitting ducks. No he knew he couldn’t do that.” “Well just the same I think we ought to take the chance and go in and get him.” “Will try and understand. I can’t risk the lives of everyone on this ship just for that robot.

    Both scenes to me were worthy of an Emmy. . :

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